Refund Policy

Refund policy for AI Buster:

3-Day Money-Back Guarantee: If you have not used a completed free trial, you can request a refund within 3 days from the previous date of purchase.
Refund Request: To receive a refund, you must contact us directly within 3 days of canceling your account. Remember, refunds are not automatic.
Applicable Charges: Refunds are only applicable to the current subscription charge on your account, not to overage charges from the prior month or additional charges added to your account.
Account Management: Customers manage their accounts, credit limits, and overages.
Refunds Outside The Policy: We will not issue a refund for any months you used your account outside the refund policy.
Refunds For Same Month Use: We will not issue a refund if you have used your account in the same calendar month as you requested outside the 5-day.

Request a Refund:

We understand that sometimes our users may need to request a refund. We are committed to ensuring a fair and transparent refund policy to provide the best customer service possible.

If you would like to request a refund, please contact us: or Mail us directly at We will review your request and respond within 24–48 hours.
To begin the discussion about a possible refund, we kindly ask that you cancel your account first. This will speed up the potential refund process and ensure that all necessary steps have been taken to complete the refund.
Please note that your refund request will be timestamped and honored when you send your email. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we process your refund.
We reserve the right to refuse a refund in certain circumstances, such as if there is evidence of misuse or abuse of our services. However, we will always work with you to find a fair and reasonable solution.
If your refund request is approved, we will process a full refund of your payment within a reasonable timeframe. We are committed to providing the best possible customer service and will do our best to ensure a smooth and hassle-free refund process.

Thank you for choosing AI Buster. We value your trust and will continue to work hard to exceed your expectations.

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